Magical . . . Near Perfect
My God, this is amazing. My favorite song of yours, I believe, and in my opinion, you're one of, if not the, best techno artist on NG. This song has sent many a happy story through my mind, epic, cheerful, desperate; I can't even find a way to express it. Chills in my legs, maybe from this brilliant four minutes of music, maybe from taking those pills, it doesn't seem to matter right now, Surface is electric, intense, and satisfying.
The song starts off with the steam-sounding noise and then goes into the sugar rush, and the greatness begins to form. The deeper synth kicks in and brings in that epic, desperate theme in, but keeps all the happy there. Then the orchestral part, taking you completely unawares, knocking the breath out of you and sending ice into your fingers. The steam comes back in, the beat kicks up, and the imagery shuffles from a mournful last stand to an epic confrontation, and then it slows down again, a sorrowful moment, perhaps, but no one really cares when the techno kicks in. Nothing matters when techno kicks in but techno. The theme is so great I could listen for a day, but then I know the endings coming when it gets faster, and fades. The song ends, and I liste to it a third time, and probably a fourth. It's sort of magical, in a way, how the song kind of eats you in, chews you up, yet when your spit back out it's probably the best thing that's ever musically happened to my ears. If I could complain, which I can't, but I need to say something, for when you remix this song. It needs to be louder, more noise, if you understand. It doesn't fill my speakers, or headset, if you catch the drift I'm subtly throwing you.
Anywho, remix this, and I'll sell you my sould. I want you to come back to this song, and write it again, but better. I know you can, this song is amazing, near perfect, but that's just it. Near. I'm not a musical genius, you are, and- dear God I'm begging you- remix this, please. For not only me, or your other fans, but for the good of all techno around the world, for the good of mankind, remix this.
Please, daddy?
PS- I really wanted to give you a nine point eight, but it wouldn't let me, s I settled at a nine. I'm saving that ten for perfection, which I'm waiting to come from you.